
  1. Introduction
  2. Praise for the book
  3. Contributors
  4. Preface
  5. Foreword
  6. The twists and turns of degrowth
  7. Degrowth Today
  8. The Panorama of Degrowth
  9. The Future of Degrowth
  10. Anti-utilitarianism
  11. Bioeconomics
  12. Critiques of Development
  13. Environmental Justice
  14. Currents of Environmentalism
  15. Societal Metabolism
  16. Political Ecology
  17. Steady State Economics
  18. Autonomy
  19. Capitalism
  20. Care
  21. Commodification
  22. Commodity Frontiers
  23. Commons
  24. Conviviality
  25. Dematerialization
  26. Dépense
  27. Depolitization
  28. Pedagogy of Disaster
  29. Entropy
  30. Emergy
  31. Gross Domestic Product
  32. Growth
  33. Happiness
  34. Decolonization of the Imaginary
  35. Jevon’s Paradox
  36. Neo-Malthusians
  37. Peak-Oil
  38. Simplicity
  39. Social Limits of Degrowth
  40. Back to the Landers
  41. Basic and Maximum Income
  42. Community Currencies
  43. Co-operatives
  44. Debt Audit
  45. Digital Commons
  46. Disobedience
  47. Eco-communities
  48. Indignados (Occupy)
  49. Job Guarantee (Marina)
  50. Public Money
  51. New Economy
  52. Nowtopians
  53. Post-Normal Science
  54. Unions
  55. Urban Gardening
  56. Work Sharing
  57. Buen Vivir
  58. Economy of Permanence
  59. Feminist Economics
  60. Ubuntu
  61. Epilogue: from austerity to dépense

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